THE MANOR Copyright(C) 1987 by Lisa Romley Part I: The Arrival It was not without a certain misgiving that M brought her fiancee Eric to Miss Reage's estate that late, cloudy afternoon. He knew the consequences of going to The Manor after their discussion that very morning, but she remained apprehensive. Would Eric have second thoughts under Miss Reage's appraising glances, or would he become terrified the moment of his full comprehension? Leaving the cab at the gate they walked through a low, ivy covered archway to the heavy oak door. M smiled inwardly at her choice of this handsome young man with his perfect features and strong build. She rang the bell. A maid ushered them to a small, carpeted room off the hall and left them alone, closing the door. The room was empty except for a chest of drawers, table, and two padded ottomans. A full length mirror covered one wall. She placed her coat and handbag on the table. She must prepare him for Miss Reage. "Eric, we must remove all of your clothing. Give them to me." She used a key to open a small, wood-paneled locker while he sat on an ottoman and took off his shoes and socks. Afterward he stood and unbuttoned the rest of his garments, surrendering them to her until at last he wore only undershorts. "Those, too," M said, holding out her hand. A flush of embarrassment swept over him. He hesitated. "Come on," she urged. He put his thumbs inside the elastic and slid the garment past his knees, to the floor, and stepped out of them. He was now totally naked in front of her. She smiled and let her eyes wander over him, then put his shorts in the locker and turned the key. He stood next to the ottoman and she was pleased with the image of his buttocks in the mirror. Miss Reage would approve. She opened a drawer and found the handcuffs. "Eric, I must follow Mrs. Reage's rules. I know it is difficult, but I'll be with you, at least at first. Please turn around and give me your left hand." He hesitated, then faced the mirror. She quickly handcuffed his hands comfortably behind him, double locking the ratchets. She turned him around, explaining in a firmer voice, "Now Miss Reage will want you to spread your legs. You must remember to do it this way," she said, tapping his inner thigh. She urged his feet outward on the warm carpet until his legs spread unnaturally, stretching his thigh muscles taught. His genitals hung free and glaringly exposed. She moved her hand over his buttocks, feeling and squeezing. His erection grew rapidly, to her satisfaction. "And remember not to speak unless asked." She returned to the drawer and withdrew a white hand-towel and a small tube of clear jelly. She opened the towel and lay it on the table, put some jelly on her fingers and carefully spread it over the head of his penis, causing it to surge rigidly upward. She closed the tube and lay it on the towel. There was a click of the door latch and it opened for an attractive woman dressed in a black evening gown with heels and long gloves. She carried a small leather case. She stepped in and closed the door. Eric saw her glance fall to his genitals as she put the case down and walked slowly around him, her eyes moving over his body from head to toe. "Was the driver on time?" she asked M. "Yes, thank you." She continued her appraisal for what seemed like several, long minutes. Finally, "Have you whipped him?" "No, he's new and untrained, a beginner, Miss Reage." "You have my admiration for choosing such a specimen. Of course I will have to examine him." "Of course." "Shall we begin?" "Yes, please." "Good." She sat down on the other ottoman. "Bring him closer." M took his elbow and walked him in front of Miss Reage, his erect penis at her eye level, and again tapped the inside of his thighs, spreading his legs wide. He nervously pulled against the handcuffs, breathing faster. "When you are finished here," Miss Reage addressed Eric, "you will have become a trained, sexual slave in every respect. You will be a prize for your owner, rather than another clumsy male." She looked at M, "Has he been sized?" "No, but is it necessary, so soon?" "Oh yes, we do it right away. But, in a moment." She removed her gloves and ran her hand up Eric's leg, beside the scrotum, feeling the tumescent perineum. Her fingers played with his testicles, one by one, moving them up and down, feeling their shapes. Eric emitted a small moan. With both hands she spread the scrotum, testicles apart, and examined it. She lifted his balls and looked behind them, feeling the shaft at the base of the penis. Finally, with two fingers, she squeezed the very tip of the glans, forcing out a clear drop. "He is a remarkable choice. I think the others will agree, don't you?" "Oh yes. I want to show him tonight." "But first we must finish. Bring me the case, please, and if you have any questions, ask them." M set the case in front of Miss Reage and asked, "How long must he be handcuffed?" "Only until he learns not to masturbate without permission. Some learn quicker than others. The training harness helps. I believe this will do." She chose a phallus from the case. It was smooth and black, with a ring attached to the base. "Bend him over the other ottoman and bring me the jelly," she said as Eric's eyes widened. Eric was positioned with his legs spread, but his head down on the ottoman and his buttocks raised sharply. He was conscious of his balls hanging down in full view of M and Miss Reage. He could not see, but only feel what they were doing. Miss Reage squeezed some jelly onto the tip of the phallus. "Now M, stand beside him, turn his feet inward as much as possible, and with both hands, spread his cheeks." M complied. Eric felt her hands on his buttocks, pulling them apart and exposing his anus. "But why turn his toes inward, Miss Reage?" "It prevents him from pressing his buttocks together and resisting the phallus, M. Now watch carefully." The jellied tip of the phallus felt slippery to Eric as it touched the mouth of his anus. "When you do this, M, tease the sphincter with the instrument as I am doing. It teaches his anus to grasp the tip and makes penetration easier. You might also pull slightly on his scrotum, like this." She took his scrotum, above the testicles, and pulled gently down in a milking motion. Eric moaned loudly. "This milking action relaxes the males, M. Helps them learn to take the phallus. Now feel his cock. Is it very hard?" M reached underneath his stomach and felt his penis. It was bone-hard. Another loud moan escaped from Eric. She spread his cheeks again. "If you looked at the end of his cock, M, it would be red and flared," Miss Reage continued, still teasing his anus with the phallus. "Relax and breath through your mouth, Eric. "Now M, when you push it in, do it slowly, backing out slightly, then in again, moving the shaft downward, this way," she demonstrated, as the tip disappeared and the shaft followed. Eric gasped. She pushed it in to the ring. "See how the sphincter widens easily around the shaft? He is taking it well, M. And this is the right phallus. We won't have to find another size." Only the base of the phallus, and the attached ring, was visible. Eric was panting in short breaths, his hips moving slightly, causing the ring to bob up and down a few inches. "Yes, I see, Miss Reage. May I try it once?" "Of course, dear. Remove it slowly, take your time, and you may do it again." M took hold of the ring and carefully withdrew the phallus, pausing slightly as the head passed through the anal opening and Eric's cheeks quivered violently. "Before you put in back in, straighten him up and check his penis, M. But be careful not to touch it. He may orgasm instantly, if you do." M took his elbow and guided him to a standing position. His cock jutted straight out, pointing slightly upward. "Oh look, Miss Reage, it IS flared and red!" "That's why you don't dare touch it. He could orgasm immediately in that state. Now bend him over again." Once more Eric was forced, head down, over the ottoman and his legs spread apart, feet turned awkwardly in. M applied more jelly to the phallus and Miss Reage parted his cheeks. "That's right, dear. Tease the anus with the tip. Let the anus nibble and learn to reach for it like a trained horse takes the bit." And indeed, as the tip of the phallus touched Eric's anus, the anal opening flexed and nibbled, like Miss Reage said. After a moment, with her slender fingers grasping the base, M easily slid the shaft fully in, provoking another desperate gasp from Eric. "In time he will get used to the phallus, M. There is an alternate method of insertion I should show you, however." Miss Reage slowly removed the instrument. Eric's buttocks quivered and flexed as the shaft withdrew and he moaned again as the phallic head passed through the anal opening. "If you position the phallus below the anus, M, you can force him to squat on it, thereby inserting it himself." She held the shaft upright, beneath Eric's anus, and then, grasping the top of his scrotum between her thumb and forefinger, she pulled firmly down, obliging him to squat onto the phallus. Again, it slid easily up to the ring. She released her grip on his scrotum. "I think a training harness will do for now, and a leash. Then we can take a walk to the parlour." "Yes, I want to show him off." "Do you think he should be gagged?" "I don't know." Another long moan escaped from Eric. "Perhaps it would be best since he has never been shown before." "I agree." Miss Reage opened a drawer in the small table and removed a black leather harness composed of a belt and two thin straps, attached with buckles. She fastened the belt around his waist and turned it so the buckle was under his navel. The other two straps hung down together from the small of his back, fell between the cheeks and slid through the ring on the phallus, spreading to each side of the scrotum where she attached them to the belt near his hips. "Now stand him up, M, and we will collar him." M stood Eric upright and he jumped slightly, shaking his harness. "See him prance? It's their way of fighting and testing the phallus, M. They all do it, for awhile, until they learn that bucking the phallus is useless. The phallus always wins." Miss Reage took a small leather collar, no bigger than the circle of a thumb and forefinger, with a small ring set in the leather opposite the buckle, and sat herself on the ottoman. "Bring him here M, facing me." He was placed in front of her and his legs spread. He breathed heavily, tensing his buttocks until Miss Reage stroked the inside of his leg, saying "Easy boy. Easy now." He was, after all, bigger and stronger than both ladies. She skillfully lifted his balls and slipped the collar behind and around both his scrotum and the base of the penis, positioning the small ring at the front, on top of the collar. As she tightened the collar, Eric groaned, panting noisily. "Oh! Is he all right?" asked M. "Yes dear. Don't be alarmed. New slaves often react strongly to the harness and collar. He will settle down. If not, there is the whip." At that, Eric moaned again and struggled slightly against the handcuffs. "Now bring me the leash and gag," Miss Reage instructed. M went to the drawer and found them, a long black leash and a leather gag. "Kneel," commanded Miss Reage, pushing down on his shoulders. He fell to his knees and swayed slightly. "I won't tell you again, but I want those thighs spread, even when on your knees," she reminded. "Now open your mouth. Wider. Now suck on this. Yes, all the way back." She placed the gag, a soft, compressible leather ball device scented with strawberry and attached to a strap and buckle, into his mouth. "It is a tongue suppressor and gag, both," she explained, pulling the buckle snug behind his neck. "In time, the scent of strawberry will arouse him." The strap covered his lips and completely silenced all but the most intense moans. She stood him up again so that his erection bobbed out in front of her. She smiled to see Eric quickly spreading his legs. She uncoiled the leash, snapped it to the ring on the small collar and handed it to M, saying, "He should have knee hobbles." Miss Reage took two leather cuffs, joined by a short chain, from the drawer and buckled Eric's legs together just above the knees. "Now M, when you lead him, he is hobbled so you can always keep a slight tension on the leash. Break him to the leather and phallus by walking around. Perhaps tomorrow you can exercise him outside on the grounds." Hobbled, Eric moved in quick little steps to obey commands from the leash as M pulled him forward across the room. "You will need this to keep his attention," Miss Reage said, handing M a short, black leather whip. "On occasion, smack his buttocks if he lags or balks. Later I will show you the art of finer whipping to raise his responsiveness. I think now he needs a mask for his first showing, don't you?" "Oh yes, I nearly forgot." Miss Reage produced a silver party mask and placed it on Eric. "Now you have a mystery-slave. Really, I do believe there will be some jealousy, M." "Yes, Miss Reage. So do I." "Now walk him a bit more while I go out and make the announcement." M continued to lead Eric around the room as Miss Reage closed the door. Once he resisted the leash, standing and squirming, surprising M. She tugged, but he remained defiant. With a quick movement, she snapped the whip across his buttocks. A muffled yell came from behind the leather gag and his knees bent slightly. She watched his buttocks spasm against both the whip and phallus. He lurched forward, but she stopped and fastened the leash to a hook in the wall, at waist level. "Step backwards until the leash is taut, Eric," she commanded with a new resolve. He obeyed and the strap pulled up tight on his genitals. "Good. Remember that I still love you, Eric, but I do want you trained properly and I will use this whip to be certain you are mine and only mine. Do you understand?" Eric nodded and moaned. She checked the harness and hobbles. The phallus remained well in place, held by the straps, with only the ring partially visible between his buttocks. "Soon we will going out to the parlour so the other ladies may see you. Please don't cause me to whip you, for I shall if need be, and remember to spread your legs when you are not hobbled." She took hold of the phallus ring and moved it slightly up, forcing Eric to his toes and another long moan from behind the gag. Taking the leash again, she pulled him toward the door and opened it. He followed her down the hall, prancing slightly, his gait accommodating the hobbles and phallus, his penis straight out and his balls raised beneath the leash strap. They walked toward a set of closed, double doors leading to the parlour. Light, merriment and the loud murmur of female voices flowed from under the doors. She knocked three times. Part II: The Whipping of Eric "I see you've brought a new slave," said a woman opening the doors. "Oh, and a fine specimen, too. Bring him in, M." She walked ahead of Eric, keeping the leash taught, and he hobbled into the room. From behind the silver mask Eric saw a well appointed sitting room filled with ladies in formal evening wear. They were seated on a sofa and several chairs. Their conversation fell silent as they saw him, nude, collared, gagged and chained, with the thin, black straps between his buttocks and the large erection under the leash. The women all began talking at once, voicing approval. M paraded him in front of each lady, turning him around several times. "He is marvelous, M." "Oh M! You've already sized him!" "I should certainly like to see him whipped, tonight." "Oh, look at him buck the phallus!" "May I feel him?" A chorus of responses rose from the group. "I do think he should be whipped," Miss Reage agreed with one lady. "Do you object, M?" M hesitated. "I did think it was somewhat early." She looked at Eric with feeling. "Perhaps just a few strokes." "Should we use the horse?" a woman asked. "Yes, I'll have it brought in," said Miss Reage. "But first perhaps some of you would care to examine him." Eric heard another murmur of approval and felt the leash pulling him toward a woman on the sofa. He was maneuvered directly in front of her, in a profile position. "How would you like him, Marilyn? Perhaps you want to see him from the rear?" "No, M. I only want to examine his balls and penis. Can you have him face me?" "Certainly." She relaxed the leash and unsnapped it. "Eric, turn and face the lady, please." Eric turned, and again his erection was at eye level. The woman, a striking lady in her forties, cupped Eric's balls in one hand and felt them, repeatedly moving them around in her hand and examining each testicle. They bulged beneath the collar and she pushed a finger under the strap, behind his scrotum. "You have him well collared, M. And I like his balls. They're a good size." She took hold of his penis at the base just in front of the collar strap and stroked the underside carefully. The glans flared and a clear drop appeared at the opening. "Oh M, he is SO ready. I DO want to see him whipped, though." "And so you shall," Miss Reage said. "As soon as the slaves bring in the horse." "Oh Miss Reage, do you think it will be too much for him?" asked M, concerned. "He IS very new, after all." "Nonsense, dear. A new slave must learn to taste the whip and to pace himself for a whipping. Which of you girls would like the honors?" "I have a particular talent with the whip," a woman in the corner spoke up. "My female slave needs attention as well. Perhaps I could do them both." "A fine suggestion, Angela. Do we want two horses, then?" "Yes, that will do." "I will see to it. Oh, here comes one now." Two female slaves dressed as domestic maids rolled in the whipping horse, a three foot high, padded block on legs anchored securely to a platform. The platform moved on castors and was set with ring bolts at the base of the horse to which were attached collars and small lengths of chain. The maids rolled the horse to the center of the room. "M, we should put Eric on the horse. Would you like me to do it?" "Yes. I want to watch." "Very well, bring him here and remove his hobbles." She re-attached the leash and Eric was lead beside the horse. M unbuckled the hobbles and tapped the inside of his leg. He obediently spread his thighs, brazenly exposing his genitals and the silver phallus ring. "Remove his gag," Miss Reage instructed. "We will see how loud he becomes." "On your knees," M told him. He dropped down and she saw that he kept his legs spread. She unfastened the gag and took it out. "Keep your mouth open." Eric kept his mouth open and M pulled up on the leash strap and put it between his teeth. "Now bite on this." He closed his teeth on the strap, holding it tense. His erect penis and balls were pulled up sharply. The end of the strap hung down in front of his navel. "Now keep your back straight and look ahead. In a few minutes you will be whipped." "Well done, M," Miss Reage said as the maids rolled in a second horse and, behind them, led a female slave. She was nude but for handcuffs and a harness with phallus. The phallus was inserted through her anus. Her leash was attached directly to the phallus ring and came out front, between her thighs. She had a silver mask identical to Eric's and he looked at her well formed breasts, sensuous mouth, and long legs as she was paraded around the room. "I would like to examine this slave before she is horsed," a lady spoke to Angela. "Of course, Miss Field. Bring her here." The female was positioned with her legs spread in front of Miss Field. The leash was removed. Miss Field spoke. "What is your name?" "Tanya." "I am going to examine your breasts and your clitoris, Tanya." Miss Field fondled each breast, feeling the weight of each and rolling the nipples between her fingers. The nipples began to harden as she lightly stroked them. She reached between Tanya's legs and felt the outer lips, running a finger between the labia to release a pool of wetness. She stroked the clitoris and carefully inserted a finger into the opening of the vagina. More wetness flowed out. "Turn around and bend over." Tanya obeyed; she turned and spread her legs, then bent over. Her wet genitals protruded between the harness straps and below the phallus ring. Miss Field parted her labia and inserted two fingers at once, deep into her vagina. Tanya moaned and rocked slightly, catching herself. "She is tight," Miss Field said. "We should tease her with the male." "A marvelous idea," agreed Miss Reage and Tanya was released from her handcuffs and ordered to the floor, directly in front of the first horse, on her hands and knees. Miss Reage unbuckled the harness. "Tanya, you must relax while I remove the phallus," she said. "Spread your knees wide and turn in your toes." She took the ring and slowly began withdrawing the shaft. "Breath deeply," she commanded as more of the phallus appeared, but Tanya cried out sharply when the phallic head passed through her anus. "It's out. Relax and keep your head down." Miss Reage approached Eric, took his leash, and led him to the horse. She unsnapped the leash. "Step up on the platform and bend over the block," she commanded. Prancing slightly, he got onto the dolly and faced the pad. "Now place your feet at each end and bend over," she repeated, reaching between his legs from the rear and firmly taking hold of his scrotum, pulling it up and backward, forcing his head down. A startled cry came from Eric. He obediently spread his legs and lay across the padded block, lowering his head. She buckled the collar around his neck and strapped his ankles, wide apart, securing him firmly to the block with his buttocks high and genitals hanging down in full view, below the phallus ring. The two thin, black straps could be seen going through the ring, as before, and disappearing on either side of his scrotum, under his stomach. "Angela, he is yours," Miss Reage said. "Notice how he is positioned carefully to allow him, if he looks forward, to see all of Tanya's charms as he is whipped?" Angela produced a short whip, like M's. She stepped to the side of the horse and touched the whip to Eric's buttocks, measuring the stroke. "Shall I give him twenty, M?" "Oh, no more, please!" "Very well. Twenty, then." Eric's buttocks quivered and he strained at the collars. Angela's arm rose and a swish of air announced the first strike of the whip. Eric heaved violently and screamed as the leather left a red welt across his naked ass. The neck collar held his head down, chain tight, barely allowing him a view of Tanya's genitals displayed a few inches away. Again the whip fell, leaving a thin welt as his buttocks involuntarily jerked with a new scream. After five strokes, Miss Reage said, "Now M, notice how he is fighting the phallus again? To no avail. The phallus does its work, regardless, forcing submission." And indeed, with each stroke of the whip and each scream the phallus ring bobbed and heaved relentlessly outside his anus, in the crack of his spasming buttocks, its embedded shaft riding and mastering him. At last, his ass crossed with red lines, Eric lay quiet, the whipping over. The handcuffs kept both hands inert, palms up against his back which glistened with beads of sweat, while his penis and balls hung helplessly exposed between his spread thighs and elevated buttocks. "Grease his balls and his butt," Miss Reage instructed M. "That will relax him before we tease the female." "Come here," M motioned to a female slave. The slave stepped forward and accepted a bottle of lotion. "Rub this into his buttocks and carefully massage the scrotum. Do not allow him to ejaculate!" she commanded. Eric began making low whimpering sounds as the slave moistened his hanging scrotum. The phallus ring moved each time he flexed the muscles at the base of his cock. She pulled his erect penis rearward and gingerly covered it with cream, avoiding the most sensitive area behind the head. Miss Field remarked, "Notice how his scrotum is contracting, pulling his balls up and tight? My male slave does the same when he is aroused." Satisfied when she saw the penile head flare and a drop of semen appear at the tip, the slave began rubbing cream into his buttocks, pausing occasionally to gently milk the scrotum and run a finger underneath the penile shaft, drawing loud moans from Eric. Without warning the slave suddenly stopped, lay on her back, raised and spread her legs, and began masturbating. The ladies all joined in startled exclamations, but Angela said, "It is all right, I gave her permission to masturbate at will. Otherwise she would certainly be whipped for it." The slave began to moan and masturbate faster, suddenly reaching orgasm with furious intensity, legs waving in the air, fanny jiggling. After a few moments Angela spoke to the slave: "When you have recovered, finish anointing his buttocks." Meanwhile, the ladies prepared Tanya for teasing by first taking her to a raised dais between two pillars at the end of the room. Leather cuffs supporting metal rings on each side were buckled to her ankles. She was handcuffed and told to sit at the edge of the dais, then laid back by the shoulders and pulled forward so that her handcuffed hands hung over the vertical end, her buttocks suspended in mid-air. The handcuff chain was attached to a ring bolt at the end of the bench. "Now raise your legs toward your chest," they told her and, once done, her ankles were pulled further back, spread wide, and fastened to the pillars by straps which snapped to the leather ankle-cuffs. She now lay on the bench with her vulva gaping open and her buttocks held slightly aloft and split violently apart. Marilyn applied a strawberry whipped cream evenly over Tanya's genitals, making her ready for Eric. The ladies remarked at the generous size of Eric's cock as he was led, handcuffed, harnessed and lubricated, to the waiting female. Again, they noticed him prancing to the phallus. M said, "Eric, you are to clean all of the whipped cream from this slave with your tongue. If you do a proper job, the ladies and I will insert your penis into her vagina. Now begin." A pillow was placed in front of the dais, for Eric's knees, and he dropped down between Tanya's raised and outstretched legs, methodically licking the cream from her genitals which were moist and swollen. Loud moans came from Tanya's mouth and, with each licking, she squirmed and cried louder. Eric pushed his tongue into her anus, causing more moaning, then concentrated on her clitoris which was fully erect. Suddenly a violent orgasm overcame her and she screamed and twisted with spasms. The ladies immediately raised Eric by his forearms and pushed him over Tanya, sliding his penis full into her vagina, causing him to reflexively thrust, in and out. M held his balls from behind as he reached orgasm with a yell, and the phallus ring jerked sharply with each ejaculation until it was over. "Tanya will remain here," M said after several minutes. "You follow me." And she re-snapped the leash to Eric's collar and led him away, down a long corridor. "You will spend the night chained in a tower bedroom," she said. "Tomorrow, at tea time, you will be placed on the dais, completely nude, and whipped in front of all the ladies and their guests." Part III: The Whipping of Tanya Angela took the short, black whip and straddled the bench, over Tanya, standing between Tanya's outstretched legs. In this position, Tanya's ankles were pulled back behind Angela, and Tanya's raised and opened genitals stared up at her. Angela felt the skin on Tanya's taught inner thighs, adjacent to her parted nether lips --still engorged and moist with whipped cream, and said, "You will be whipped here, between the legs, as well as your bottom. Screaming will not stop it. It is the most thorough whipping technique and all my slaves receive it at least once." "Oh, please!" Tanya said. "Don't whip me like that! I'll do anything. I can't stand it! Oh, no! Please!" "It is no use, Tanya. You must receive the whipping." "No! No! Please!" "Yes. And now I will begin." She raised the whip and brought it down smartly between Tanya's legs, on the inner thigh, just underneath the fold of her buttock. Tanya screamed and twisted, to no avail. Again the whip fell and again she screamed, begging for mercy. Angela ignored her and continued the whipping, steadly covering her buttocks and inner thighs, leaving long, crisscrossed welts. Tanya's struggles became frantic as she strained at the cuffs and straps, her screaming loud and continuous, finally giving way to moans and sobs. At last Angela stopped. "You will remain her for the night," she said, leaving. "Any other slave may have his will with you." Part IV: The Whipping of Eric Chained naked in the tower, Eric remained harnessed to the phallus, helpless against its probings and discipline. With every move during the night, as he lay face down on a large bed with his hands chained to the corner posts, he felt its relentless reminders. Much later he awoke to the voice of M as she undid the harness straps. "Relax, Eric, so that I may remove the phallus. Open your legs and turn your toes inward. That's right." And he felt the shaft withdraw, and the head pass through his sphincter, causing him to cry out. "There, it is out. Now we will bathe you and make you ready for the dais," she said, unfastening his chains from the corner posts. He struggled to his feet, unsure of his whereabouts. The tower room was still dark, but he saw various instruments of discipline on the walls. She handcuffed his hands behind him and attached hobbles to his knees again. Then she produced the leash and collar. "New male slaves must be collared when they are moved, Eric. Come here." And she placed him before her, as before, gently lifting his genitals and running the collar strap behind his scrotum and around the base of his penis, latching it with the ring on top. She snapped the long leather leash to the collar ring and noted his penis becoming erect, tightening inside the collar. She pulled him out the heavy door and down a dark corridor, his hobbled knees permitting only short little steps with his genitals pulled out in front of him, the leash tight, as she led the way to the manor baths. * * *